Our Services

Individual Tutoring

04/25/2010 15:46

 Our tutors come to your home. They are trained not only to teach their subjects, but in teaching good study habits and critical thinking skills that are required to do well in school and in life. Send us an email, to get started.

Full SAT Course

04/25/2010 15:17

This course starts with a diagnostic test, and includes all of our classes for every section of the SAT. It finishes with a full-length timed practice test scheduled a week before your actual test as a dress rehearsal. We Guarantee results! The Lowest one of our students has improved is 300 points.

This Course comes in two basic varieties.

First, is an intense "cramming" course, for getting students ready for the test in only one month's time. Students are given a great deal of homework and are expected to do it if they want to get the most out of this course. Students meet roughly 3 times a week with their coach for four weeks, and the course comes with everything described above (diagnostic, dress rehearsal test, etc.)

Second, is a course that lasts about three months. The same material is covered but more time allows for more practice, and better results.

Both courses are customized to fit your schedule. If you schedule a group or individual course, we will set out dates and times and places that work well for you. Our professional coaches can come to your town and meet in your local public library conference room, or even in your home.

Students can meet in groups that they set. If a group of students work well together, they can take the course together and benefit from each others hard work. If a student works best alone, he/she can have individualized coaching.

Prices for the Course:

Individual students, 400 dollars for one month course, 650 dollars for 3 month course.

2 or 3 students, 350 for the one month course, 500 for 3 month course

4 or 5 students, 300 for the one month course, 400 for 3 month course

6 to 12 students, 250 for the one month course, 350 for 3 month course

12 or more students, 200 for the one month course, 300 for the 3 month course.

Full Length Timed Practice Tests

04/25/2010 15:04

Schedule a time and place for a qualified test administrator to come and give you/your student a full length timed SAT test. Test conditions are designed to be as similar to the actual conditions that you will be faced with on test day. Our testers keep careful watch on the students so that they can offer more advise than the test scores alone would allow. For instance, a student will not only know that they need to work more in a reading section, they will be told whether or not they are spending too much or too little time on any one kind of question, and what this means about whether the problems are vocabulary related, or comprehension related, or something else.

Full length tests come with test scores graded for you within the hour, and two hours of consultation time to discuss the analysis of the student's performance.

Prices vary based on the number of students taking the test.

Six or more students who take the test together can get their scores and analysis for 100 dollars each.

Four or five students can take the test as a group for 120.

The price for 2 to 3 students is 150 each.

And the price for a single student is 200.

Customized SAT Classes

04/25/2010 15:40

 You only want to work on math and the essay? no problem, we will happily customize lessons for you. depending on the amount of hours you need, the cost can range from 20 dollars an hour to 50, these prices get cut if you want to work in teams with other students. Just send us an email, and we will start processing your request immediately.